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Soluciones para automatización y control industrial de LS Electric y Vector Energy

Automatizacion industrial automation and drives

Vector Energy proporciona una solución completa para todo tipo de aplicaciones de automatización y control industrial con variadores de frecuencia, PLC, HMI, SCADA, servovariadores y servomotores de LS Electric, complementados con el servicio de atención al cliente 360º V2Service. La gama de accionamientos LS Electric abarca potencias desde 0,1 hasta 500kW para un amplio abanico […]

Frequently asked questions about solar pumping

What is solar pumping? Solar pumping is a system that uses the energy of the sun and through a variable frequency drive can control pumps that extract water from wells, rivers or other sources. This system converts solar energy into electricity using solar panels powering a pump that moves water where it is needed. What is […]

Frequently asked questions about solar pumping

What is solar pumping? Solar pumping is a system that uses the sun’s energy and through a frequency converter you can control pumps that extract water from wells, rivers or other sources. This system converts solar energy into electricity using solar panels, powering a pump that moves water to where it is needed. What are […]

Vector Energy values: Commitment to innovation and sustainability

  In a world where the energy transition is crucial for sustainable development, Vector Energy is positioned as a leader in automation, industrial control, renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions. Our core values not only guide our daily operations, but also reflect our commitment to our customers, the environment and society at large. 1.Technological innovation: […]

The essentials about magneto-thermal switches

Guide to understand and correctly use electrical protection devices WHAT IS A MAGNETOTHERMAL? A circuit breaker is a protection switch designed to automatically open electrical circuits when overcurrents appear, whether overloads or short circuits. Its main function is to protect both the electrical installation and its receivers.   ANATOMY OF A MAGNETOTHERMAL  ·NAME OF THE […]